Tag Archives: big brother

Quoting “Gonna put wings on pigs”; I am Spartacus


It would seem that politicians, police departments and police unions are using the unpleasantness which occurred in New York City on December 20, 2014 to its full advantage. 

Mayor William DeBlasio called for a “pause” in protests against police brutality.

Ironically, the N.Y.P.D. itself may have recognized – briefly – that it has taken things to far. It attempted to deescalate the conflict by imposing a moratorium on “unnecessary arrests.” It is not clear if the arrest of Eric Garner, who was ostensibly wanted for selling untaxed cigarettes and who ended up being murdered by the same police workers against whom he had filed a complaint of theft against – fell into the category of an arrest that was “absolutely necessary.”

New York City police union president Patrick Lynch (a fitting name for a cop) declared war on the public. Even more ominously, a dipshit New England police department (Chicopee, Massachusetts), made a show of publicizing and threatening to charge a man for merely quoting “wings on pigs.” Assuming Chicopee has an honest magistrate, the town’s “show cause” will be thrown out and the district attorney and police department sanctioned.

I don’t know Charles DiRosa, the man being harassed by the Chicopee Police Deparment. But if the act of merely quoting a social media phrase used in a notorious crime is cause for arresting or otherwise stifling dissenters, I have a message for Chicopee and every other police department: I AM SPARTACUS.

I am Spartacus

I do not live in Massachusetts. I am not an American citizen. So I am not concerned with crocodile tears and wolf-crying by tyrannical police workers. I am Canadian. It may be illegal to express my conviction that the popular narrative of 1940s German history is a hoax (which it is). It is against the law for me to criticize judges by name and call them incompetent and corrupt (which they are). It has recently been made an offense to hurt the feelings of israeli dual-nationals. But, to the best of my knowledge, quoting a phrase, “Gonna put wings on pigs,” which returns nearly a quarter-million hits on The Google (homage to George W. Bush), is still permissible speech.

We got the same admonishment to watch our language after U.S. Congressman Gabriel Giffords was shot.

Gabrielle Giffords
Former U.S. congress critter Gabrielle Giffords (left)

Police departments and district attorneys are clearly taking a page from the United States Secret Service, who instil fear in criticizing the president lest they get a “knock on the door.” Of course it is illegal to threaten to kill the president. As it should be. Even if you are the Altanta Jewish News. And now police workers are attempting to set the precedent that simply discussing an act of violence is cause to be “picked up.”

If you don’t want to get raped by a cop, don’t break the law. So says Austin, Tx. police chief Art Acevedo.

If the New York Police Department and other police workers are upset with or threatened by public protests, perhaps they should modify their behavior so that they don’t generate so much outrage.

And when police workers DO misbehave, chiefs of police and attorneys general have an obligation to correct them through serious employment sanctions (up to an including termination), legal charges and prison time.

Let’s talk about Ismaaiyl Brinsley . He fits the profile of every miscreant who has committed a heinous crime. He was clearly mentally ill. He had a troubled youth. And, oh yes, he was an eeeeevil Muslim. He was on prescription anti-depressants. You won’t find the network newscasts talking about peoples’ brains being fried by the same products who buy advertising time. Ask you doctor if losing your mind, going on a mass-shooting spree and ending with a bullet in your brain is right for you.

It is absolutely frightening that the same drugs that have eviscerated the brains of these “shooters” and “bombers” are the same drugs used by the soldiers in Iraq of Afghanistan and who came back home to become cops. See Daniel “Danny” Martin, the Oklahoma state employee who beat up paramedic Maurice White in 2009. Or see the Tarnak Farm (Afghanistan) incident, where U.S. Air Force employees Harry Schmidt and William Umbach dropped a 500-pound bomb on Canadian soldiers below killing four and injuring eight.

Most clear-thinking people are smart enough to recognize that the enemy (our usurped governments and its occupying army) are trying to goad us into war. And we have the good common sense to know not to fall for it and to not give them what they want.

It’s a matter of public record that Johannes Mehersle shot a handcuffed Oscar Grant in the back of the head on a subway platform in Oakland, California. In Detroit, Joseph Weekly shot seven-year-old Aiyana Jones in a raid on the wrong house.

Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesavanh is still miraculously alive despite Habersham County, Georgia deputy Charles Long throwing a flash grenade into the 19-month-old boy’s playpen. Long and the rest of his SWAT team were looking for a former occupant (Wanis Thonetheva) who was later arrested without incident elsewhere. Thonetheva was wanted for selling fifty dollars worth of smack. The Phonesavanh family were staying in their relatives’ Georgia garage after their Wisconsin home burned down. Bou-Bou has been horribly disfigured after the attack. He will require a lifetime of medical care and his family faces medical bills of $1-million and counting. The corrupt Habersham County have washed their hands of any responsibility.

Back in New York City, 28-year-old Akai Gurley was shot at point-blank range by city police worker Peter Liang in the stairwell of Gurley’s apartment building. By the time a building resident had called for an ambulance and Liang had text-messaged his union rep for help, it was too late. Even William Bratton, New York City’s police commissioner, couldn’t defend this one. “The deceased is totally innocent. He just happened to be in the hallway. He was not engaged in any criminal activity.”

Then, of course, there was that messy business in 2012 at the Empire State Building where, in the process of taking down Jeff Johnson, New York’s finest shot nine innocent bystanders in the process. The two police employees were hailed (if you’ll pardon the pun) as heroes by anti-gun mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Because the incident was caught on video (despite the efforts of police, who seized every cellphone they could find) Mehersle was arrested, though he served less than two years for the murder. A compliant grand jury did not indict Long or any other deputy for the assault on Bou-bou. Liang’s shooting is still being “investigated” and he has not yet been indicted.

Joseph Weekly’s trial resulted in a mistrial.

Then there are all the dogs – we don’t know if the number is in the hundreds or even thousands – who have been sent to Doggy Heaven by police. A little bit south of where I am, the Buffalo Police Department has dispatched at least 92 dogs (25 of them by one worker). This really shouldn’t come as a surprise. The brain-damaged veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were not content with killing hundreds of thousands of people. YouTube videos also turned up of Amerika’s brave men, women and children in uniform throwing a puppy off a cliff and shooting another dog in the hind leg.

And now they have come home to become cops.

Also in Buffalo, Cariol Horne, a BDP employee, was fired after intervening in the assault of a handcuffed suspect by a fellow worker, Gregory “Greg” Kiakowski. Kiakowski then punched Horne, a woman, in the face (you’re a real manly man, eh, Greg?). Horne then got the “civilian” treatment. She was charged with assaulting Kiakowski because her face got in the way of his fist. Because Horne had been on the job only 19 years, she lost her pension when she was fired.

Kiakowski retired from the Buffalo Police Department. Apparently some business about punching and choking two other officers in two separate incidents unrelated to Horne.

Horne now works as a trucker and is trying to be re-instated.

Cariol Horne (and it kills me to say this) seems like a stand-up cop. If I were a drinking man, I’d probably want to have a beer with her. But it is beyond belief that she could spend 19 years in the police business and not see her share of totally innocent people being railroaded. She had to be incredibly naïve to not consider that it might come back around to her someday.

The city of Buffalo is an economic disaster area. Anybody who can leave has left. So now cops have been reduced to turning against each other.

Given the behavior of police “post-9/11” (I hate that term), it is no surprise that “the authorities” would now very much like to criminalize any criticism. In Italy, it is actually a crime to “slander” police.

Here in Canada, the situation is not as grim, but “our” police are quickly catching up.

In Vancouver, no Royal Canadian Mounted Police workers have been convicted of any crime in the death of Dziekanski, the stapler-wielding man who was tazered to death. Two of the police workers have been charged with perjury. Benjamim “Monte” Robinson, who was the commanding officer at the incident, later mowed down 21-year old Orion Hutchinson. What is undisputed is that Robinson, driving a Jeep, ran into Hutchinson’s motorcycle in suburban Delta. Robinson then lef the scene of the collision and went home where he consumed a quantity of vodka. He then returned to the crime scene. He claimed he was sober at the time, but needed the drink when he returned home to “calm his nerves.” And, one would suppose, summon up the courage to return to the crime scene.

Homicidal ex-RCMP employee Benjamin "Monty" Robinson
(Vancouver Province) Homicidal ex-RCMP employee Benjamin “Monty” Robinson

Delta police did not charge Robinson with drunk driving, but he was charged with obstruction of justice for the act of consuming alcohol and returning to the scene. He was fined

Orion Hutchinson
(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Orion Hutchinson

$1,000, ordered to tell the Hutchinson family he was sorry, and served no prison time. He was not present for his sentencing.

Pierre Lemaitre, the R.C.M.P. spokesman and apologist for the Dzieiekanski incident, did the honorable thing and hanged himself. Lemaitre had been exposed as a liar regarding conflict which eventually resulted in Dziekansi’s death.

In Toronto, James Forcillo is awaiting trial on charges of second-degree murder in the death of Sammy Yatin and (curiously) a second charge of attempted murder. Forcillo was seen on a cellphone video firing nine shots into Yatin. The first round of shots were from a standing position. In the second round of shots, Forcillo points his gun downwards (after Yatin has collapsed from the first round) to finish him off.

After the Toronto G-20 police riot in 2010, the Special Investigations Unit, the provincial civilian agency tasked with prosecuting police criminality, was reluctant to charge any police employee. The S.I.U. claimed it could not identify the workers. It was only after The Toronto Star published photographs which clearly showed the “officers’” badge numbers that the S.I.U. finally made itself useful. Twenty-eight police employees have been charged. To date, only one has been convicted.

Superintendent David “Mark” Fenton of the Toronto Police is the highest-ranking employee to be charged, however his is merely a disciplinary procedure, not criminal. The only thing at stake is his job. Fenton is the genius who ordered the “kettling” of everybody (not just protesters) and who also ordered unconstitutional preemptive detentions and arrests.

Suffice it to say, the list of police misconduct, brutality and worse is a long one. Innocent people have gone to prison because of police and prosecutorial misconduct. The lucky ones have defended themselves against bad cops, but only at the cost of their families and every dime they have. Innocent men have been released after decades on death row, so it is obvious than even more innocent men have been executed.

We have good reason to be angry at police behavior. The days of dismissing those of calling for police accountability as “cop-haters” or marginalizing us by saying we must have gotten a speeding ticket or D.U.I. are gone (the latter is actually ironic coming from cops, since it is well documented that they merely flash their badge to each other to escape such charges).

Turning our frustration and our rage in to violence against random police workers is the worst thing we could do. I realize that the idea of our various countries collapsing is unthinkable. The idea that the Soviet Union would cease to exist was as unthinkable in 1989 is the collapse of the United States government is in 2014. But it happened. And when it did, it took its various satellite states along with it. State collaborators were dealt with.

When East Germany ceased to be, its Stasi files were made public. Even today, former police agents are watching over their shoulders.

In advocating non-violence in dealing with our police state, it boils down to this. When it comes to you men and women in black: you just aren’t worth it. I’m not going to go into my personal details, but I will disclose that I work for a railway. I sometimes deal with members of the public and supervisors who are, well, real jerks. Yeah, in my fantasies, I want to sock them across the face. But that’s just in my fantasies. I live in the real world. I have to deal with it. Because, like you guys, they just aren’t worth it.  The problem is, a lot of the people you deal with (either as colleagues or bad guys), they are so doped up on prescription anti-depressants that they can’t tell the difference between reality and fantasy

Those of you engaged in murder, rape, perjury, etc. will be brought to justice in a future constitutional restoration. And you’ll spend the rest of your lives in prison. There will be plenty of room when the non-violent “criminals” you railroaded are freed.

I am writing this column on December 25, 2014. It was on this very day, in 1989, that Nicolae Ceaucescu, the president of Romania and his wife Elena were picked up by the Romanian army in the morning and ended up as bloodstains on the courthouse wall that afternoon. When your own tyrannical army has had enough of your tyranny, that’s when it’s all over.

Nicolaie and Elena Ceaucescu execution
Nicolae Ceaucescu (right) and his wife Elena. Bucharest, Romania, December 25, 1989.

If you guys with the guns want to have the public’s support – and want your children to live under the same freedom you and I grew up with – why not make yourself useful and turn your guns around and point them at the right people? Go to the District of Criminals, or Ottawa, or London, or Paris, and arrest the crooked politicians and bureaucrats.

U.S. Border Patrol agents: arrest the people responsible for shipping the guns across the border to Mexico, resulting in the death of Brian Terry. And remember who put Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean in prison. It wasn’t the people you’re pulling over at the side of I-10 in Sierra Blanca.

Go to Wall Street. Go to the Federal Reserve. Arrest the banksters. Charge them with fraud on an absolutely massive scale. You are going to be so pissed off when you find out your pension is nothing more than numbers on a piece of paper. You’ve been wiped out. Just like the rest of us.

Whether we are in the U.K., the U.S. Canada, Australia or elsewhere, it is not the people you are purportedly sworn to protect that are the problem. It is your commanding officers and the people they answer to. Not us.

We didn’t steal your pension. We didn’t let the purported 9/11 hijackers in the United States. We didn’t obstruct justice by preventing good F.B.I. agents from breaking up and preventing the plot. We didn’t walk Farouk Abdulmatulab around security at Schipol Airport. We didn’t put half the population (starting on the children) on brain-frying drugs. We’re not the ones telling you that you can’t send illegals back to Mexico. Do you guys get it? It’s not us. It’s the people you work for. In every country. So why the hell are you picking on us?

John Pike, the University of California police employee who was pepper-spraying the Occupy protesters, was on the wrong side. Despite his six-figure income (a hansome salary for a university security guard) was bankrupt. His house was in foreclosure. He should have been with the students protesting the looting of America by the New World Order. Hey, John! It wasn’t the kids who pulled the rug out from underneath you. Why didn’t you take that fire extinguisher full of O.C., head down to your Roseville branch of Security Pacific and have a word with the manager. I’m sorry they took your $3,000 wedding ring but thank god they took your gun.

John Pike UC Davis
John Pike made a cool 38Gs from the emotional trauma he suffered emptying his can of O.C. on protesters. Not enough to get his house out of foreclosure, but hopefully enough to at least get his $3,000 wedding ring back from the bank.

I’m sorry that two police employees lost their lives in New York. But I’m even sorrier about the number of my American friends that have lost their lives at the hands of police (more Americans have been killed by police since September 11, 2001 than died on 9/11 itself). But when you behave the way you have been, somebody, somewhere is going to snap. Police departments need more Cariol Hornes and fewer Greg Kiakowskis. Not to mention fewer Danny Martins, Joseph Weekleys, Charlie Longs, Darren Wilsons, Monty Robinsons, James Forcillos, Mark Fentons, Peter Liangs, etc., etc., etc.

In fact, I wonder if I could make a plea of all you bad cops out there. Can’t you be more like Pierre Lemaitre?

My request to the Ontario Provincial Police: Investigate the Ottawa false flag

Call me an optimist, but here goes: When Commissioner Paulson of the RCMP requested the Ontario Provincial Police investigate the homicide in Ottawa and purported related shooting event at Parliament Hill, a thought occurred. Could it be possible that Paulson knows that there is more here that meets the eye (i.e. the tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy kooks are dead on AGAIN)? Is it possible that there are things going here that he cannot politically investigate and keep his job at the same time? Is Paulson setting up the OPP to uncover explosive revelations? The OPP is an agency of the government of Ontario, whose current reigning party is Liberal. The RCMP is a creature of the federal regime, which is controlled by the deceptively-named Conservative party. Thus, as an investigating body, the OPP is free from federal interference (though not federal obstruction, in the case of the Parliament of Canada Act). 

Of course, I was hoping the federal reserve and its kept governments (Canada included) would have collapsed under the weight of their own fraud and criminality by now. But I continue to hold out hope.

November 1, 2014

Mr. Vincent Hawkes

Commissioner, Ontario Provincial Police

777 Memorial Avenue

Orillia, Ontario

L3V 7V3

Dear Commissioner Hawkes:

I understand the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have requested the Ontario Provincial Police investigates the two homicides which took place in and around the House of Commons in Ottawa on Wednesday, October 22, 2014.

I would request your department include as part of its investigation:

  • The possibility of a violation of section 22(1) of the Criminal Code, specifically counselling to commit an offense. I am alleging that the deceased subject, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was counselled to commit this crime by an unknown third party or parties (a foreign government, an intelligence agency or a “think tank.”)

  • Allegations, based on widely-publicized social media photographs, that the R.C.M.P. had a heavier-than-normal presence in and around the parliament buildings prior to the shooting of Cpl. Cirillo.

  • An investigation into who would have benefited by an “attack” on the House of Commons. Specifically, the fortuitous timing of this incident which allowed the government to pass long-sought legislation and propose even greater powers for “police” and domestic intelligence agencies.

An investigation into the emotional state of Stephen Harper, the prime minister during this incident. A widely-publicized photograph shows Mr. Harper indulging himself with a glass of wine while receiving a briefing from R.C.M.P. Commissioner Robert “Bob” Paulson.

I would point out that in virtually every “mass-shooting” in the United States, the perpetrator or perpetrators were either on prescription anti-depressant medication, withdrawing from them, or (in the case of Mr. Bibeau), a drug addict.

My concerns regarding this incident are based on the fact that on September 11, 2001, it is well known that NORAD was conducting a drill whose scenario was remarkably similar to what was taking place in “real life.” Incredibly police and security forces in London were participating in a drill which depicted bombs and bombings of public transport on July 7, 2005.

I would also respectfully direct your attention to experiments conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency at McGill University in the 1950s and 1960s into the susceptibility of certain individuals to being conditioned to commit acts they would not otherwise fathom. These experiments were known as Project MK (Mind Kontrol {sic}) Ultra are believed to have been concluded with the death of the Alan Institute’s head Ewen Cameron, a psychiatrist.

I will not claim to be an expert when it comes to law enforcement methods and criminal psychology. However, if we had a situation where a young man found out that he was to inherit a great amount of money or collect on an insurance policy for a relative, and that relative were to suddenly pass away under mysterious circumstances, one would think you would look at who would benefit from that person’s untimely death. Regardless of his physical location at the time of death.

I am requesting that the Ontario Provincial Police scrutinize every detail and every statement regarding these homicides. I will expect that, once your investigation is complete, it will be made public immediately with no “advance copy” made available to government.

I would also like to bring to your attention that, in a photograph published by the Reuters News Agency, an employee of the Ottawa Police Department is shown pointing his rifle at Canadian citizens who are armed with nothing more than cellphones and cameras. Another photograph shows persons whom one would assume to be police constables, in only a partial uniform and with no badge numbers or name identification showing. I respectfully request your department identify and refer them for prosecution.

If offenses by Canadian government “officials” are found to have taken place, I will expect the O.P.P. to be just as zealous in apprehending the offenders as you were in the SWAT raid on Michael Schmidt, who was selling milk directly out of the cow.

As a servant of the people, I am certain that you would be just as concerned as I am if a government were to use a violent incident as a pretext to further strip our rights as free men away from us.

Yours very truly,

Michael Schmidt OPP thebovine wordpress
Owen Sound-area farmer in negotiations with an Ontario Provincial Police worker during the raid of his dairy farm, from which he was selling unpasteurized milk. (thebovine.wordpress.com)
Michael Schmidt - CTV News
Michael Schmidt (CTV News)
Harper drinking during shooting briefing
Canadian prime minister Stephen “Steve” Harper enjoys a snifter or Rose while R.C.M.P. Commissioner Robert “Bob” Paulson updates him on the purported attack on his regime.




1023 Shooting 295.JPG
A treasonous Ottawa police department worker points his rifle at Canadian citizens.
Police department employees out-of-uniform, wearing ski masks, and not displaying badge numbers.
Police department employees out-of-uniform, wearing ski masks, and not displaying badge numbers.

Senator Bob Runciman: Not just, “no.” HELL, NO! (Another plea to the bastards to please, just leave.)

Former Romanian Presidenet Nicolae Ceaucescu.
Former Romanian Presidenet Nicolae Ceaucescu.


January 9, 2014


Mr. Robert Runciman

The Senate

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0A4


Dear Mr. Runciman:


It is particularly galling for “your” government to expect Canadians to expect an even greater expansion of the police state when your enforcers can’t even secure a room. Even the vaunted, all-mighty United States Secret Service and every other intelligence agency in the world wasn’t able to prevent a psychopath masquerading as a sign-language interpreter from getting withing feet of world “leaders” at Nelson Mandela’s funeral in South Africa. One would have thought the man’s US$85 fee would have been the first clue.


“In the wake of 9/11” has been the excuse for the stripping of civil liberties and even the most basic human rights of formerly-free people worldwide. Air travelers are interrogated, groped and subjected to cancer-causing naked body scanners. In the United States, the gangbangers and child molesters at the T.S.A. have expanded beyond the airports to Amtrak, Greyhound, and even the local city bus. The U.S. government is spending trillions annually on its spy grid and we don’t have a clue what is going on at the C.S.E, C.S.I.S., the R.C.M.P. And god knows how many other alphabet agencies here in Canada.


And you expect us to let you pass even more laws? No, sir. .Not just, “no.” Hell, no! Just in the past six months, billions of people worldwide have woken up to big government (I’ve been “awake” for years now).


No amount of inept security, false flag attacks or government breaking up its own plots is going to convince people to consent to increase government tyranny.


Please do not try and con Canadians with the notion you are trying to “keep us safe.” You are doing nothing of the sort. .Government’s only interest is keeping government safe.



If the billions of dollars the government of Canada spends on the National Security State were indeed intended for the betterment of Canadians, I would not get one single Viagara ad in my private e-mail, I would not get e-mails purporting to be from U.P.S. informing me of a package delivery gone wrong or a bank or a Nigerian telling me I’ve got a fortune waiting if I only send them all my personal details.


All this money spent on spying, yet the R.C.M.P. (let alone an American agency) has yet to shut down a single Crypto-locker scheme.


To be honest, I don’t know why the global warming types and associated liberals, socialists and communists are mad at “your” government in the first place. Since 2006, The Harper Regime should have been giving N.D.P.ers nocturnal emissions on a nightly basis. You have run up the national debt by over $150-billion. You have exploded the civil service. You have raised taxes. The police state has never been happier. And you still enable the global warming hoaxers by failing to call them out on their fraud.


You want to talk about impersonation? Up until the past election, when I decided I would never vote for an establishment party again, I was certain I was voting for a small-government, starve-the-beast, libertarian platform when I voted Conservative, Alliance and Reform (going back to 1993). As an enthusiastic Mike Harris booster, I thought sending guys like my own (then) M.P. David Tilson, as well as John Baird, Jim Flaherty and Tony Clement to Ottawa would bring the Common Sense Revolution to a national level.


Instead of a Preston Manning-inspred New Canada government, we ended with a Bob-Rae-on-steroids government with more Israel-Firsters than the Knesset.


If I had known then what I know now, I would have voted for a Paul Martin-led Liberal government. He’s the closest thing we’ve ever had to true conservative government.


I am 44 years old. As your god is my witness, I swear I will live long enough to see a constitutional restoration in my country and worldwide. And when that happens, its first action will be to abolish that trough of yours. Its second will be to repudiate Canadians’ purported obligations to your pension.




I am going to make the same plea to you that I have made to many of your fellow trough-dwellers up there in Ottawa. Would you please just leave. I don’t care where you go. Have Peter MacKay round up the as many of the nicest C.R.J.s he can find at Uplands, load one of them up with as many $100 bills as the Bank of Canada can print up. Fill the other ones up with as many politicians as you can find, take off for Switzerland, the Caymans, the City of London, Tel Aviv…anywhere. Just leave and let Canadians who truly care about the future of our country, our children and most importantly our freedom undo everything “your” government has done to Canadians. Don’t forget to take Peter van Loan with you.


Just…leave. Please. All of you.