So what’s up with hiring “crisis actors” out of Toronto to participate in a “video” in Colorado in November, 2016?


2016-07-13 18_25_23-

Hey, I’m just asking questions!


By the way, that “confidentiality agreement” will likely be a moot point when you’re dead.


Canadian citizens. Colorado. I guess they couldn’t find any actors for a low-rent video in the Rocky Mountain state and now they have to import them from Canada. I’m sure all of the immigration formalities have been taken care of.


Your humble correspondent sent a reply to this ad:

2016-07-13 18_30_29-Actors Required for Security Drills (Crisis Actors) -

I wonder what they have planned this time. Something to draw Canada back into The War of Terror? Something so unspeakable, so unimaginable, so horrible that it is guaranteed to make every last Canadian lust for blood?


Attention was brought to this ad by Michael Rivero’s

2016-07-13 18_34_10-WHAT REALLY HAPPENED _ The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

And that wasn’t the only Crisis Actor casting call today.

2016-07-13 18_37_13-WHAT REALLY HAPPENED _ The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

2016-07-13 18_40_33-False Flag Alert for Florida and Colorado; The Federal Government is Hiring Cris

2016-07-13 18_41_54-False Flag Alert for Florida and Colorado; The Federal Government is Hiring Cris2016-07-13 18_42_16-False Flag Alert for Florida and Colorado; The Federal Government is Hiring Cris

As one of the commenters on the GovtSlaves article, David B, pointed out, July 17 (the date of the Toronto audition) is not a Friday. So, in his opinion, it is probably a fake. As your humble correspondent pointed out, he could be entirely correct. Or, it could be a mistake. Or a code.

2016-07-13 18_47_03-False Flag Alert for Florida and Colorado; The Federal Government is Hiring Cris

It does present an interesting quandary though, doesn’t it? How exactly do you go about recruiting crisis actors on a regular, on-going basis? You can’t very well use the same stable of actors for multiple events because, after a while, people tend to catch on.


Of course, maybe they’ll just throw it in our faces as they did with 2016-03-24 12_33_16-mason wells crisis actor - Google Search2016-03-24 12_32_42-mason wells crisis actor - Google Search

LettersToTheBeast respectfully asks our friends at George Soros’s Open Society, the federal bureau of incineration, the NSA, al-CIAda, the government of israel, G4S, Blackwater and all of the other false flag terror actors, please…just give it up. You are totally embarrassing yourselves. Besides, somebody is going to get hurt if this goes on much longer.


And as for the corporate media, just do your job for krysakes. If you fools at CNN, Fox News, the Big Three, the Canadian Bullshit Corporation, the British Bullshit Corporation (remember Jane Standley and Building Seven? Jimmy Saville?) as well as what remains of print media were to actually do your jobs, every newspaper in North America and Europe would be sold out. Every pair of eyeballs would be glued to the idiot box. You would have newfound credibility not seen since Walter Cronkite, John Chancellor and Roger Mudd retired.

2016-07-14 04_12_40-Craigslist_ Toronto _crisis actors_ wanted for Colorado - Unicode (UTF-8)2016-07-14 04_13_23-


Think about it.



Walter Cronkite
Roger Mudd
Roger Mudd
John Chancellor
John Chancellor

And always remember our friend here…

Fake Mall Shooting Victim
A purported victim of the Westgate Mall shooting in Nairobi, Kenya, who has just been shot in the back, is seen running for his life on September 21, 2013.


Fuck the New World Order

Gadsden Flag Shoot Back.jpg-large

WRH Black Panther Coloring Book


7 thoughts on “So what’s up with hiring “crisis actors” out of Toronto to participate in a “video” in Colorado in November, 2016?

  1. Domestic terrorists are not the same as MLK protestors. But it is ironic that MLK protestors are arrested and charged but domestic terrorists get to hold a nation hostage, destroy private property and brutally beat innocent citizens without consequence. Good thing Americans have backup law enforcement – Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Winchester, Mossberg and Glock.

  2. I’d bet that it’s another gun grab fake mass shooting.
    Jews like Soros, Bloomberg, Feinstein, Schumer and our owners; Jacob Rothschild cannot sleep while the goyim are heavily armed.
    They know the wheels are about to fall off the dollar/banks/pensions and it will not be pretty…

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